Monday, December 19, 2011

word generation should school hours be extended?

extend- extending extended
we need to extend our lunch break at school.

radical- radicals half radical
we are radical when it comes to math

crucial- crucially non crucial
the brakes are crucial for a car

attain- attaining attained
we have attained the race

initiative- indicatively self initiative.
wev have an initiative mission

Monday, December 12, 2011

word generation is being a vegetarian a smart decision

export- exporting exported
i have exported foods from other countries.

symbolic- symbolicness symbolically
we have the american flag as of our symbolic pride.

domestic- domesticated domesticating
we have domestic cats and dogs

integrate- integrated integrating
we need to integrate the nations together

efficient- efficiently efficiency
we have efficient lightbulbs in oour house.

Monday, December 5, 2011

word generation should the united states support the development of more biotechnology to genetically modify food?

consequences: nonconsequence superconsequence
thier are consequences if you do something wrong at my school.

undernourished: undernourishment

Some kidds at my school are undernourished.

extract: extractable extractability

we need to extract the strawberry dna for the science experiment

modify: modifiable modifiablity

we need to modify our writing skills

dna: deoxyribonucleic acid

we have our parents dna.