Monday, January 30, 2012

word generation should there be a kid nation 2

confront- confronting confronted. we nee to confront our problems

interfere- interfering interfered we have interfered with our nations capital.

emerge- emerging emerged

exploit- exploiting exploited

furthermore- no other forms were found

Monday, January 23, 2012

word generation

vocation- avocation I have a vocation at my school.

no picture was found

inherent- inherently noninherent
i have inherent powers

exceed- exceedly exceeded
i have exceed my power as the king of england

equivalent- equivalently nonequivilently
we are all equivalent im my eyes.

focus- focused focusing
we need to focus on the test if we want to win 1st place.

Monday, January 9, 2012

word generation should single gender education be an option for families or should all public schools be co-ed

Gender- genderless we have different genders at school

compromise - comprising compromised we need to compromise about different things.

adapt- adapting adapted we need to adapt to the new environment

conduct- conducting conducted we have conducted electricity in our school.

paradigm- no word found we have a paradigm of a airplane .